(15 August) The database should now be fixed, so there are no more stray funny characters... but there may still be glitches. I just discovered that all of the Peanuts puzzles had disappeared, because "artist=peanuts" was not matching "Peanuts"; so there is more to do in sorting out case-insensitive matching.
Database problem!
Apologies! A recent database upgrade has left lots of Japanese text corrupted, and also some variant characters, such as the e-acute in "Pokémon," not showing correctly. I am working to correct this but may take some days...
申し訳ありません 現在、データーベースの問題でほとんどのパズルの詳細などの日本語が文字化けになっています。修復するまで何日かかかるかも知れません。ご了承ください。
Jigsaw puzzles from Japan
Temples and gardens of Kyoto
Kyoto is Japan's number one tourist magnet, and not without good reason. All around the city are temples and gardens, a reminder of the power and riches that once belonged to the old capital, now captured by the camera of Mizuno Katsuhiko.
On this page: puzzles - the photographer - about temples and names
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Photographs by Mizuno Katsuhiko
It is a pleasant surprise to find puzzles with a credit to the photographer. Born in Kyoto in 1941, Mizuno earned a degree in literature from Doshisha University in 1964. Since 1969 he has worked as a freelance photographer, in a lifelong quest to capture the essence of Japanese tradition in his native city, and resulting in publication of some one hundred books of his photographs.
Although he has some books published in English, none seems to be in print. (Search ABE for used books)
Temples and names
Most of these names are basically Chinese, so they come out as a string of hard-to-remember syllables. I've added little glosses to the characters (kanji), which should at least be a little more memorable. Take them with a pinch of salt, though. In text I've used characters with circumflex accents (e.g. 'ô') to indicate long vowels; more conventionally these would be macrons as in the blue pronunciation keys.
As usual, I'm writing Japanese names in the original order, so Mizuno is the photographer's family name. (Same as Chinese names, actually, and surely no-one thinks Mao Tse-Tung was "Mr Tung"?) This has always seemed more sensible to me, and recently Japanese practice has swung back this way; at least one of his photo books in English has him as "Mizuno Katsuhiko." Predictably, if you look at the list at ABE half the booksellers have got him backwards.
Other puzzles
- Browse other puzzles featuring temples and gardens.
Deleted puzzles
For reference: you can view all the puzzles of Mizuno's photographs that are out of print in the Attic.