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Imaginatorium Shop - Animals in art puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles from Japan

Animals in art

Jun Sato

Born in Osaka in 1970, Jun Sato specialises in portraying the animal world, in a lively style, but one inspired by traditional Japanese paintings.

The natural world
© Jun Sato

1000: The natural world

A collection of animals threatened by extinction, closely modelled on a famous screen painting by the classical artist Ito Jakuchu (1716–1800).

In stock
A Yanoman puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20")
Code: Y101264 (10-1264 on package)
Retail price ¥3000 (approx. US$20.13 €19.35 £16.22)

All about ordering (please read first)

Saito Shuichi

Born in Miyagi (northern Japan) and now living in Tokyo, Saito has worked as a commercial designer and illustrator, specialising in the natural world. Properly his name is Romanised as Saitō Shūichi, and Saitō is his family name.

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For reference: you can view all the puzzles from this page that are out of print in the attic