Jigsaw puzzles from Japan

Cartoon characters by Shinji Yamamoto

On this page: The puzzles - More about the artist

The puzzles

Yamamoto's fun style is well suited to puzzles — each image includes a hundred or more tiny characters engaged in all sorts of roles...

Hunter village
© Shinji Yamamoto

300: Hunter village

A scene from the story book, The Adventures of Pick and Nick, a tribal village with the Capocopo Festival in full swing...

In stock
A Beverly puzzle: 300 pieces; 380 x 260 mm (15" x 10")
Code: B63229 (63-229 on package)
Retail price ¥1400 (approx. US$9.40 €9.03 £7.57)

All about ordering (please read first)

Shinji Yamamoto

Born in Kyushu in 1980, Shinji Yamamoto graduated from the Nihon University College of Art, and immediately began a career as a commercial illustrator.

Deleted puzzles

For reference: you can view all the puzzles by Shinji Yamamoto that are out of print in the Attic.