Jigsaw puzzles from Japan

Cute characters by Hideki Yoshioka

1000 pieces

Cats on the Pont Neuf
© H. Yoshioka

Cats on the Pont Neuf

More cat fun from Yoshioka, this time in Paris, on the banks of the Seine...

In stock
An Appleone puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20")
Code: A10911 (1000-911 on package)
Retail price ¥3300 (approx. US$21.15 €19.76 £16.75)

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España cats
© H. Yoshioka

España cats

Lots of cat fun in Yoshioka's fantasy world – the flags are Spanish, yet the culinary offerings seem to be distinctly Italian. Anyway, the sun is shining: it must be the Mediterranean.

In stock
An Appleone puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20")
Code: A10885 (1000-885 on package)
Retail price ¥3200 (approx. US$20.51 €19.16 £16.24)

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Promenade cats
© H. Yoshioka

Promenade cats

A fantasy street view in an imaginary cat kingdom, perhaps somewhere near France...

In stock
An Appleone puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20")
Code: A10892 (1000-892 on package)
Retail price ¥3200 (approx. US$20.51 €19.16 £16.24)

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500 pieces

Downtown cats
© H. Yoshioka

Downtown cats

Nighttime is funtime in the cat world! This is Yoshioka's view of New York...

In stock
An Appleone puzzle: 500 pieces; 530 x 380 mm (21" x 15")
Code: A05301 (500-301 on package)
Retail price ¥2300 (approx. US$14.74 €13.77 £11.68)

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Hideki Yoshioka

Born in 1956, Hideki Yoshioka is an airbrush artist who has had a successful career in fantasy illustration. Yoshioka is his family name.

Note: The translations of titles are mine.

Deleted puzzles

For reference: you can view all the Yoshioka puzzles that are out of print in the Attic.