Jigsaw puzzles from Japan

Detective Conan (Case Closed)

Detective Conan is a long-running anime series, written by Gōshō Aoyama. It tells the story of a boy detective, named after the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, Arthur Conan Doyle. The name "Case Closed" was used in English translations of the stories, apparently for "legal reasons". For more background, see the Wikipedia article Case Closed.

1000 pieces

Conan kaleidoscope
© Gōshō Aoyama

Conan kaleidoscope

* Crystal puzzle - made from translucent plastic

In stock
An Ensky (Artbox) puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20")
Code: N10AC009 (1000-AC009 on package)
Retail price ¥5000 (approx. US$32.05 €29.94 £25.38)

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Detective Conan mosaic
© Gōshō Aoyama

Detective Conan mosaic

More than 4000 tiny images, frames from the animation, go to make up this portrait of Detective Conan...

* This puzzle picture is made from more than a thousand tiny images.

In stock
An Epoch puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20")
Code: E11545 (11-545 on package)
Retail price ¥3000 (approx. US$19.23 €17.96 £15.23)

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Scarlet sniper
© Gōshō Aoyama

Scarlet sniper

In stock
An Epoch puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20")
Code: E12512 (12-512 on package)
Retail price ¥3200 (approx. US$20.51 €19.16 £16.24)

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Mystery break
© Gōshō Aoyama

Mystery break

In stock
Note: コナン logo missing from puzzle
An Epoch puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20")
Code: E11583 (11-583 on package)
Retail price ¥3000 (approx. US$19.23 €17.96 £15.23)

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Moonlight rivals
© Gōshō Aoyama

Moonlight rivals

* This is a glow-in-the-dark puzzle.

In stock
An Epoch puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20")
Code: E13065 (13-065 on package)
Retail price ¥3909 (approx. US$25.06 €23.41 £19.84)

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500 pieces

Bouquet of happiness
© Gōshō Aoyama

Bouquet of happiness

Congratulations all round for Detective Conan's gang...

In stock
An Epoch puzzle: 500 pieces; 380 x 530 mm (15" x 21")
Code: E06114 (06-114 on package)
Retail price ¥2000 (approx. US$12.82 €11.98 £10.15)

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