Jigsaw puzzles from Japan

Flower art

Currently all of the flower paintings feature cherry blossoms, but we are sure to have more flower artists again some time...

Cherry blossom

Moonlit tiger and dragon
© Harai Kayomi / Studio Oz

2016: Moonlit tiger and dragon (Kayomi)

Traditional rivals, tiger and dragon face off under a full moon masked only by a sprig of cherry blossom.

No biographical details available. She signs her given name Kayomi in Roman letters.

* This puzzle has smaller pieces than the standard size.

In stock
An Epoch puzzle: 2016 pieces; 500 x 750 mm (20" x 30")
Code: E23087 (23-087 on package)
Retail price ¥3000 (approx. US$20.13 €19.35 £16.22)

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Cherry blossom owl
© Harai Kayomi / Studio Oz

2000: Cherry blossom owl (Kayomi)

A simple but effective composition: the owl approaches us ready to pounce. The cherry blossom lit only by the full moon has an eerie tone, which will make the puzzle interesting but quite a challenge.

No biographical details available. She signs her given name Kayomi in Roman letters.

* This puzzle has TINY pieces!

In stock
An Epoch puzzle: 2000 pieces; 530 x 380 mm (21" x 15")
Code: E54216 (54-216 on package)
Retail price ¥2400 (approx. US$16.11 €15.48 £12.97)

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White tiger and cherry
© Harai Kayomi / Studio Oz

1000: White tiger and cherry (Kayomi)

The cherry blossoms set off this white tiger, but do not make it look any less fearsome!

No biographical details available. She signs her given name Kayomi in Roman letters.

In stock
An Epoch puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20")
Code: E11605 (11-605 on package)
Retail price ¥3000 (approx. US$20.13 €19.35 £16.22)

All about ordering (please read first)

Deleted puzzles

For reference: you can view all the puzzles from this page that are out of print in the attic.