Jigsaw puzzles from Japan


1000 pieces

Kannon mandala
© Beverly

1000: Kannon mandala

The Kannon of the title appears right in the centre of this extremely intricate mandala, in her many-armed form.


* This puzzle has TINY pieces!

In stock
A Beverly puzzle: 1000 pieces; 260 x 380 mm (10" x 15")
Code: BM81557 (M81-557 on package)
Retail price ¥2200 (approx. US$14.77 €14.19 £11.89)

All about ordering (please read first)

Shakyamuni Buddha mandala
© Beverly Enterprises

1000: Shakyamuni Buddha mandala

A classic mandala, with literally hundreds of little figures, both inside and outside the circular inner realm. Shakyamuni Buddha is another name for the Buddha, literally "The Awakened One of the Shakya Clan."

* This puzzle has TINY pieces!

In stock
A Beverly puzzle: 1000 pieces; 260 x 380 mm (10" x 15")
Code: BM81556 (M81-556 on package)
Retail price ¥2200 (approx. US$14.77 €14.19 £11.89)

All about ordering (please read first)

What is a mandala, anyway?

Different sources give elusively varying definitions of what a mandala is: a portrayal of the Buddhist conception of the cosmos, or of just the realm of a particular Bodhisattva? From a mystic significance, the combination of basic geometrical design with baroque exhuberance has given the genre a wider appeal, particularly in New Age circles.

These puzzles all appear to be modern drawings on the traditional theme, but in most cases there is no indication of the identity or location of the artist. Some of the themes are well-known in Japan, so for the Kannon and Shaka mandalas, the title is written in Chinese characters; Chakrasamvara, for example, is not so well known, and is transliterated into katakana.

A web search for "Mandala" will show lots of relevant sites...

Deleted puzzles

For reference: you can view all the mandala puzzles that are out of print in the Attic.