(15 August) The database should now be fixed, so there are no more stray funny characters... but there may still be glitches. I just discovered that all of the Peanuts puzzles had disappeared, because "artist=peanuts" was not matching "Peanuts"; so there is more to do in sorting out case-insensitive matching.
Database problem!
Apologies! A recent database upgrade has left lots of Japanese text corrupted, and also some variant characters, such as the e-acute in "Pokémon," not showing correctly. I am working to correct this but may take some days...
申し訳ありません 現在、データーベースの問題でほとんどのパズルの詳細などの日本語が文字化けになっています。修復するまで何日かかかるかも知れません。ご了承ください。
Jigsaw puzzles from Japan
Surreal fantasy images by Satoshi Kusuda
Further down this page: About the artist
© Satoshi Kusuda 1000: Magical nightThe spectacular aurora promises something special, and the Japanese title is literally "The night a miracle will happen," so perhaps the unicorn is about to gallop across the lake... In stock
An Epoch puzzle: 1000 pieces; 750 x 500 mm (30" x 20") Code: E11536 (11-536 on package) Retail price ¥3000 (approx. US$19.23 €17.96 £15.23) All about ordering (please read first)
© Satoshi Kusuda 500: City in the skyThe title says it all. Plenty of entertainment here, though one has to wonder quite how people living on the outlying "islands" get to work?! In stock
An Epoch puzzle: 500 pieces; 530 x 380 mm (21" x 15") Code: E06046 (06-046 on package) Retail price ¥2000 (approx. US$12.82 €11.98 £10.15) All about ordering (please read first)
Satoshi Kusuda
Born in Kumamoto, in southern Japan, Satoshi Kusuda has worked in a wide range of media, from oils to water colour, and photocollage to digital painting, producing both commercial items such as CD covers and works of fantasy art.