Jigsaw puzzles from Japan

Pictures of innocence by Chihiro Iwasaki

On this page: The puzzles - More about the artist

The puzzles

Mermaid dreams of prince
© Chihiro Art Museum

500: Mermaid dreams of prince

An enigmatic painting. The young girl is surrounded by fish — perhaps she was a mermaid in a different life...

* This puzzle has a luxury "canvas" finish.

In stock
An Appleone puzzle: 500 pieces; 530 x 380 mm (21" x 15")
Code: A05508 (500-508 on package)
Retail price ¥2400 (approx. US$16.11 €15.48 £12.97)

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The girl with a lighted match
© Chihiro Art Museum

500: The girl with a lighted match

The enchantment of a flame...

* This puzzle has a luxury "canvas" finish.

In stock
An Appleone puzzle: 500 pieces; 530 x 380 mm (21" x 15")
Code: A05509 (500-509 on package)
Retail price ¥2400 (approx. US$16.11 €15.48 £12.97)

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Girl with roses in her hat
© Chihiro Art Museum

500: Girl with roses in her hat

A picture of innocence; a simple but effective Chihiro portrait.

* This puzzle has a luxury "canvas" finish.

In stock
An Appleone puzzle: 500 pieces; 380 x 530 mm (15" x 21")
Code: A05505 (500-505 on package)
Retail price ¥2400 (approx. US$16.11 €15.48 £12.97)

All about ordering (please read first)

Chihiro Iwasaki

Born in Fukui Prefecture on the west coast of Japan in 1918, Chihiro Iwasaki showed an early aptitude for drawing. She later became well known for her illustrations, usually in a distinctive water colour style, of children and flowers. Although married twice, she continued to use her maiden family name of Iwasaki, which she usually wrote in hiragana (いわさき・ちひろ: I-wa-sa-ki Chi-hi-ro).