Chit-chat from Imaginatorium Shop
Challenging 300 pieces!
Blog entry for April 2015Last month's comments were a bit downbeat: we still have over eighty puzzles out of stock with no indication of when or whether they will be available again. But I have been adding lots of new puzzles to our range, so we are back over 1100 titles in stock, and still growing. And I hope to be able to spend more time on puzzles themselves. I like a challenge, like the current Puzzle of the month, of the clouds over the Uyuni salt flats, and the clouds reflected in the Uyuni salt flats! But here's a different sort of challenge I did a while back, which must be the most fun I have had from a 300-piece puzzle for a very long time. Looking at the box is certainly not going to help much. There is no top or bottom, and each part of the pattern appears six or twelve times... and the pieces? The most you can say is that there aren't too many of them. So I sorted out the pieces as on the left, with the inside pieces (the whorl centres) at the bottom, and the outside pieces at the top, then I started working from the pieces at the bottom, closest to me on the table. Before my very eyes, whorls began to form, and it was quickly clear (we aren't looking at the box, remember) that some would be larger than others. And at last two of them joined together... The corners at last! Now just a few holes to fill in... I decided on "Torture" for this Beverly series, but as you can see on the box above, the original title is 回転地ç„, or literally "Rotary hell"... look for more of these challenging and different puzzles on the None of the above page. |
"A kind of blog..." My sporadic comments, mostly topical, on shop matters. (Brian Chandler)